Thursday, November 03, 2005


Ancient floating gardens of Xochimilco - hire a boat, and go about the canals for a couple of hours, while locals selling food, refreshments and crafts come by on rafts.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day of the Dead

November 1 - 3 in Mexico are the Day of the Dead celebrations. Day one celebrates the souls of children who can come back to say a big phat 'hola', and day two is for the souls of adults. Marigolds are flooding the city as they are a representation of this festival.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Mexico City

Have spent a couple of days now in Mexico City - what chaos this city is in its crumbling glory. Have seen Coyacan (see piccies, below) which includes latin america's oldest colonial street; the Zocalo, one of the world's largest square; and food, glorious Mexican food. Also, please notice the picture of the cakes - we found a cake store whose upstairs was FILLED with sky high wedding and birthday cakes.