Thursday, November 03, 2005


Ancient floating gardens of Xochimilco - hire a boat, and go about the canals for a couple of hours, while locals selling food, refreshments and crafts come by on rafts.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day of the Dead

November 1 - 3 in Mexico are the Day of the Dead celebrations. Day one celebrates the souls of children who can come back to say a big phat 'hola', and day two is for the souls of adults. Marigolds are flooding the city as they are a representation of this festival.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Mexico City

Have spent a couple of days now in Mexico City - what chaos this city is in its crumbling glory. Have seen Coyacan (see piccies, below) which includes latin america's oldest colonial street; the Zocalo, one of the world's largest square; and food, glorious Mexican food. Also, please notice the picture of the cakes - we found a cake store whose upstairs was FILLED with sky high wedding and birthday cakes.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Montreal on a bike

I went with my friend Cath to Montreal this weekend. Hang on.. it is not over yet. Rephrase... *am in* Montreal with my friend Cath, we are just after going on a 20km bike ride around the city. Highly recommended and a cheap (and exhaustive) way to spend a day in this lovely town.

Started off in old montreal town, and made our way West on the bike trail to Lasalle. Stopped at cute markets to grab bread, cheese and a little pesto. Laid back and relaxed in Lasalle Park before heading East again along side the Rapides de Lachine. As per Joey standard, got lost in dodgy brothers town for a while before finding our way back to a pub on Rue St Denis.

Next stop: Martini in some place as yet undiscovered.

Crappy photos.. soon.
